MyoLift TriWave Microcurrent
Item No. ML001
4.9 out of 5 Customer Rating

MyoLift TriWave Microcurrent

4.9 out of 5 Customer Rating
  • In Stock

MyoLift TriWave Microcurrent is an advanced device that harnesses microcurrent technology to promote healthier and more youthful skin. It offers three distinct healing modalities to enhance the appearance of the face by toning muscles, relieving tension, and stimulating cellular activity. 

middle aged women sits in front of a dresser with a microcurrent device sitting on top
What makes the Triwave different from other microcurrent devices?
or Available

Each MyoLift TriWave Microcurrent comes bundled with a Le Mieux ProFerm Face Glow Mask, an AOS 2" Round Electrode Pads (4-Pack), an AOS Rectangle Electrode Pads (4-pack), and a reusable conductive Jowl mask. That's over $40 of value.

Get 10% off all Microcurrent Accessories when you purchase your TriWave! That includes conductive gels, sheet masks, and electrode pads. Dr. esthé, TOV, and House of PLLA products are excluded. Offer ends 12/31/2024.

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Why We Love It

We are excited to announce our collaboration with 7e Wellness to bring you a cutting-edge microcurrent device designed for at-home use. This device goes beyond the technology typically found in professional-grade microcurrent devices, offering exceptional innovation and effectiveness. With our partnership, you can now experience the benefits of advanced microcurrent therapy from the comfort and convenience of your own home. 

The MyoLift TriWave offers three unique wavelengths that stimulate the skin and underlying tissues, promoting healthy and glowing skin from within. 

  1. Rejuv: This wavelength stimulates lymph movement and intra-cellular fluid circulation. Doing so helps in cleansing, nourishing, restoring, and repairing the skin. The Rejuv setting aids in redensifying the skin while promoting a calm and clear complexion. 
  2. Educate: The Educate wavelength strengthens the integrity of the skin and its underlying structures, enhancing overall skin health. 
  3. Erase: By encouraging the release of chronic tension, the Erase wavelength helps prevent and reduce deep lines and wrinkles, promoting a more youthful appearance. 

Included In Box: 

Using the TriWave Microcurrent device can provide several benefits for the skin: 

  • Improved circulation: The device helps improve blood circulation, which enhances the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the cells, promoting their nourishment and overall health. 
  • Increased ATP production: ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the energy currency of cells. The TriWave device can increase ATP production within the cells by 500%, which aids in cellular metabolism and rejuvenation. 
  • Calms inflammation: The Rejuve setting calms inflammation in the skin, reducing redness and frequency of breakouts. 
  • Improved skin elasticity and strength: By stimulating the underlying structures and promoting collagen and elastin production, the TriWave device can enhance skin elasticity and strength, leading to a more youthful and firm appearance. 
  • Enhanced product penetration and skin hydration: The Triwave improves the absorption and effectiveness of skincare products, allowing for better hydration and nourishment of the skin. 
  • Reduction in fine lines and wrinkles: Regular use of the Triwave will help diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by toning and strengthening the facial muscles and promoting collagen production. 
  • Firming of the jawline and brows: TriWave contributes to the firming and tightening of the jawline and eyebrows, helping to improve their appearance and definition. 
  • Toning of the pores: Microcurrent therapy assists in toning the pores, making them appear smaller and less noticeable. 
  • Skin rejuvenation: The TriWave device stimulates cellular activity and promotes skin renewal, leading to a rejuvenated and revitalized complexion. 
  • Skin detoxification: The Rejuve setting aids in the detoxification of the skin by promoting lymphatic drainage and the removal of toxins and impurities. 

It's important to note that the TriWave's toning effects take time to become noticeable. A recommended regimen involves twice-weekly treatments for 30 days, followed by weekly maintenance sessions. While some clients may see results after one or two sessions, most report experiencing positive benefits after six to eight treatments. 

Please note that the Triwave is not eligible for returns. If you have any questions or concerns about your device, please reach out to us.

Anyone with the following concerns: 

  • Thinning Skin 
  • Fine Lines 
  • Collagen Loss 
  • Loss of elasticity 
  • Sagging Skin & Jowls 
  • Droopy Eyelids and Neck 
  • Tired-looking Facial Structure and Skin 
  • Redness & Inflammation 
  • Breakouts 

A detailed guide with step-by-step instructions and accompanying pictures accompanies the device for easy understanding and usage. 

One of the great features of the TriWave is its versatility, as it can be used in various ways. Whether you prefer using it with a sheet mask, probes, the Anma LIFT Microcurrent Sculpting Probe, or simple conductive pads, the device accommodates your preferred application method. 

View our tutorials here! 

At Art of Skin Care we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Our philosophy is to meet you where you are and partner with you to create results that work for your individual needs. We exist to inspire you to experience your most radiant and unique self. From acne solutions to healthy aging routines, our team of seasoned estheticians will be here every step of the way. Art of Skin Care is more than just a skincare brand. It’s a journey, a lifestyle, and, most importantly, a commitment to the unique beauty of each individual.

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